Our calling is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ
...is working out what God is doing, and joining God in that.
Remembering that God is present beyond the walls of the Church.
Showing God's love for the world through Caring and Service
Sharing the Good News of how God has transformed our lives.
Understanding that simple actions can have profound consequences.
"Come, follow me, Jesus said, "and I will send you out to fish for people."
(Mark 1: 17, from the NIV)

In August 2023, The Peterborough Circuit of Churches committed to reviewing its sustainability, driven initially by questions about finance. This gave rise to questions about how faith informs our finances, how we support the mission of the churches, and a series of gatherings around the theme Sankofa; looking to the future while learning the lessons of the past. The best way to view this is as a journey from the lowest tab below to the uppermost tab. Please note however that some information, especially financial, has been refined.
In September 2024 the Circuit remodeled itself into three mission areas, encouraging churches to explore, even more, the benefits or working in partnership.
The circuit is also exploring how lay employees, ordained ministers, and lay volunteers work together as a team, particularly given questions about the availability of ordained ministers.
Through this process, we have drawn the District and the wider Church into discussions on how the Methodist Church supports circuits needing to adapt their mission model, often involving the sale or repurposing of assets. This led to the Peterborough Circuit's memorial to the 2024 Methodist Conference, which contributed to the Church's exploration of economic justice and resource allocation, ensuring that stronger circuits support those in need.
​This workbook contains a full outline of how our churches can develop their Mission Plan, incorporating and adding to previous insights and responding well as they emerge out of lockdown. A simple flowchart is to be found on page 3.
Outlines the thinking and process that underpins our 2019-early 2020 Circuit Review, as we discerned how we can share the resources we have across our churches more effectively. The discussions inncorated, 'One Church for Peterborough', 'Team Preaching', 'Lay Pastors', and 'Local Mission Enablers'. In practice this led to:
A determination to move away from preachers being spread across the plan towards preachers having a closer relationship with a more limited number of churches. Preachers who are able to offer more appointments are able to devote more time to journeying with one church in a mentoring capacity, particulalry during times of change. We have two such preachers in this role. Others specailise in a specific type of worship (such as all-age worship)
We affirmed the present role of pastoral secretaries in churches and instead of appointing 'lay pastors', recognised the lay support that was already in place in local churches. Our position on this shifted in 2021 but here a lay pastor has a much more missional role, but this was part of the journey.
There is a desire for ministers to be seen across the circuit more rather than in a section model, but the current way of operating limits this.
Conversations about the single Church for Peterborough model were challenging because of the impact and potential loss on local church congregations, and the legal position that individual churches would have to agree to this.
Further explorations around having a circuit as a single church council with multiple centres have been challenging because more work would need to be done by less people. Also, the move to a one circuit church would be challenging for our ecumenical partners. We continue to explore efficient ways of working.
Sadly the Covid-19 hindered progress but these are the in-principle conclusions of Reimagine 1 and 2.
This report on the impact of Fresh Expressions and new work in the life of the Church evidences the impact of the movement across our churches nationally. Helpful reading for churches looking to grow, and questioning how we measure growth.
2018 Introduction; What is 'church', What us 'discipleship', and What is 'evangelism'.
2018 A helpful document that invites leaders to reflect on how the church's mission relates to local demographics, the range of activities that take place in the church building, the delineation between these that are 'church' events. Churches are encouraged to discuss how they can best make use of these connections, and how they invite people to become involved practically in the work of the church.
Designed to help local groups and projects reflect on their original aims, their leadership, and how they enable engagement through by blessing people, helping them to belong, grow in faith, question their own priorities, change how they live, and invite others to participate. (2018)
This work formed a basis for a Preaching Series across the circuit in 2018.
2018 Leaflet outlining the vision and aims of the Peterborough Pioneer Hub, including how we are supported by Adherents, Associates, and Advocates. The Hub was a great source of encouragement for a period. We continue to support people and our superintendent offers coaching, but our model has now shifted
Compiled in 2016, a series of resources intended to helping people focus on Jesus' call to engage in mission. Entitled, 'Jesus, Agent of Change'.
Mission Shaped intro has always been a free and effective resource to help churches understand why they may need to change their approach to worship and mission, in accordance with changes in how people communicate, learn, and reflect.